An uncharacteristically salacious tweet sent from Karreuche Tran's account Sunday had people speculating that she was either the victim of a hack, or more likely, MTV's unforgiving reality show Safeword. "U OWE ME A D*$K PIC," reads a tweet sent to Migos rapper Quavo, someone Karrueche was at one time rumored to be dating. The request was followed by an equally ridiculous hashtag: "#MAMANEEDSONEFORHERSPANKBANK."
Another user noticed that Karrueche had posted a similarly forward comment on Michael B. Jordan's Instagam. "I KNOW FOR A FACT YOU WEREN'T WEARING PANTS HERE. CUZ YOU TOOK THAT IN MY BEDROOM," it reads.
Many Twitter users were already confident that Tran was a guest on the show, but eventually, she owned up to it. Though the tweet has gone somewhat under the radar due to framing it as a reply to MTV (unlike the Quavo tweet which she preceded with a period, sending it out to all of her followers).
Rumors that Karrueche and Quavo were dating surfaced last summer after the two were spotted at a number of events together. More recently, Tran was reported to be dating NFL player Victor Cruz.