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Lirik Down To Earth - Fiftyfour ( feat. Kenny of AAS )

Lyrics for 'Fiftyfour' by Down To Earth feat. Kenny of AAS

I'm just one who doesn't have a clear direction in life

All you tought not without purpose
just to make me understand

There for you always be there for me until I was like this, even though the wings had been broken very makes you down

I want to make you proud and promise to my self, so one day I can stand with my feet alone

In your fiftyfour you always be like that, too many advice that you give and I can't explain

Too many words were spoken for me
To think about my future later on that have not been imagined by myself

I feel your pain but you think of me
I promise to you
I will make you proud in the my future

If I had to say our gratitude to you in some words, the oceans also will not be able to explain it and the sky is also too narrow to describe

Dear you father, I promise you to make you proud and I never, back to repeat the same mistakes

Will be over, this is not a problem I want to walk forward for myself and remember all you said

Let's Stream 'Fiftyfour' by Down To Earth feat. Kenny of AAS

****Disclaimer: Music video and lyrics of the song Down To Earth - Fiftyfour ( feat. Kenny of AAS ) provided on this blog is copyright / ownership of the authors, artists and music labels are concerned. 

Entire media, including the lyrics of the song and video clip Down To Earth - Fiftyfour ( feat. Kenny of AAS ) is available on this site are for promotional and evaluation purposes. We also do not provide MP3 files on our server.

If you like the song lirik lagu Down To Earth - Fiftyfour ( feat. Kenny of AAS ) lyrics and the video clips, buy a cassette / CD / DVD, mp3 karaoke or code personal dial tone (NSP / RBT) to support the artist.****
Lirik Down To Earth - Fiftyfour ( feat. Kenny of AAS ) Lirik Down To Earth - Fiftyfour ( feat. Kenny of AAS ) Reviewed by Listener on May 05, 2018 Rating: 5

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